18th Anniversarry

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Diamond Earrings AF0405
Diamond Earrings Illusion Princess AF0405
IDR 30.980.000
Diamond Ladies Ring CWF1001
Diamond Ring Illusion Lotus CWF1001
PRINCESS Diamond Ring CWF0453
Diamond Ring Illusion Lotus CWF0453
IDR 31.215.000
Diamond Ladies Ring CWF1812
Diamond Ring Fancy CWF1812
IDR 31.295.000
Diamond Ladies Bangle GKF0365
Diamond Bangle Illusion Pear GKF0365
IDR 31.304.000
Diamond Ladies Ring CWF0582
Diamond Ring Listring CWF0582
Diamond Cross Pendant LSF0108
Diamond Pendant Cross LSF0108
IDR 31.442.000
Bamboo Diamond Ladies Bangle GKF0508XS
Diamond Bangle Bamboo GKF0508XS
IDR 31.499.000
Diamond Pendant Illusion Lotus LSF0101
Diamond Pendant Illusion Lotus LSF0101
Diamond Earrings AF1221
Diamond Earrings Illusion Princess AF1221
IDR 31.552.000
Diamond Ladies Ring CWSS0126
Diamond Ring Listring CWSS0126
IDR 31.722.500
Diamond Jewelry Pendant LWF0761
Diamond Pendant Illusion Pear LWF0761
IDR 31.808.500

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